Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

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This week, we dispel the myth that Pride and Prejudice is chick lit and explain the humor behind it. Characters are judged based on their manners and on their actions. We pridefully assign labels to the cast, including, but not limited to: troll, twerp, idiot, buffoon, and shitbird. As far as you know, all of those words are taken directly from the text of the book. Could it be that you are being deceived on that last point? Listen to the podcast and find out.

This week’s music bump is Mozart’s Sonata No. 17 in B-flat, mvt III. It was chosen for period appropriateness (even if slightly less contemporary than Beethoven) and because every accomplished young lady is able to play the pianoforte.

02 – Pride and Prejudice – Idiots, Buffoons, and Catastrophic Proposals