
This is a podcast where we discuss books. Our goal is not to review a book and to tell you whether we like it and whether you should like it too, but rather to talk about the issues and themes within the book. And our plan is to do so using normal (for us) conversational language rather than academic language. If you’ve always wanted to hear a figure of classical literature referred to as a “motherfucker,” you have come to the right place.

Ideally, you will be familiar with the book we’re covering for a given episode, but if you’re not, give it a chance. You may decide that you should read it after listening to us. We hope you find us entertaining and, just maybe, educational.

A little bit about us:

Gabs Roman has all of the credentials for this podcast. She has bachelor’s degrees in english and history from the University of Missouri and a master’s in publishing from Emerson College and has been an avid reader since she learned how to do it. She is particularly interested in feminist issues and has one or two opinions on everything.

Ben Roman isn’t qualified to talk about anything we’re talking about, but he doesn’t let that stop him. He has a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of North Texas and a master’s of trombone performance from the University of Kansas and would probably be a far better musician if he practiced as much as he reads. His literary area of interest is science fiction, so blame any genre slant on him.

Oh yeah, we both love to talk, so this is an ideal medium for us. Our commentary will touch on adult issues that appear in literature, and may occasionally be a tad caustic. Just know in advance what you’re getting into.

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